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You Can Visit Stunning Salt Flats In Utah That Feel Like You're On Another Planet

Taking the phrase "don't be salty" to a whole new level this summer.

Up until now, we reserved saltiness for our popcorn and the occasional joke, but this epic spot in Utah has us rethinking our puns. The Bonneville Salt Flats are an incredible stretch of dried lake bed that is now home to miles and miles of salt. The gorgeous landscape is perfect for a stunning photoshoot or an adventure worthy of a Mad Max reenactment.

The breathtaking flats stretch over 30,000 acres, and the desolate landscape looks like something out of this world.

Bonneville Salt Flats is located outside of Salt Lake City and are the remnants of a vast lake that dried up in the basin. You can wander across the massive stretch of land and take incredible photos of the salted white ground.

It looks like a combination of thick, coarse sand or snow, and the white coloring gives the barren land a post-apocalyptic feel.

If you manage to catch the flats on a day after a good rain, the water sitting on top creates a mirror effect, so you'll feel like you're walking across the sky.

Make sure you bring a camera to snap some incredible photos on one of the most jaw-dropping spots in the state.

They are free to visit and open almost year-round so that you can take an epic road trip with some friends and stock up on some serious 'gram-worthy photos.

There is some fascinating history associated with the flats, and when you walk over the vast white salt, you will be wandering the same trails, people took hundreds of years ago to cross the state.

You can't drive on the flats, but you can park at a rest stop to scope the impressive views before venturing out onto the salt.

We don't know what could be cooler than wandering along a landscape that feels like you're on another planet.

Bonneville Salt Flats

Price: Free

When: Open year-round

Address: International Racetrack, Wendover, UT

Why You Need To Go: These incredible salt flats bring the sky to you while giving you the feeling of starring in an epic alien film set on a strange planet.


We strongly advise that before you go swimming or visit any location, you check the most recent updates on potential hazards, security, water quality, and closures. If you do plan to visit a site, respect the environment.

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